Terms of Use

Last updated January 2022

Welcome to Sports Club Finders.

Learn about our terms of use.

These Terms of Use govern your use of the Sports Club Finders website and provide information about our Service, outlined below. When you take ownership of a club or add a new club, you agree to these terms.

These Terms of Use therefore constitute an agreement between you and Sports Club Finders.

Our Service

We agree to provide you with the Sports Club Finders service. The Service includes all of our website, features, applications and services that we provide in line with our mission: Making Sport More Accessible.

Quite simply, we provide a club search function to participants looking to get involved in sport.

Clubs have the opportunity to become Sports Club Finders members and take ownership of their information which includes:

  • Club name
  • Club address
  • Club description
  • Sports offered
  • Contact email/Telephone number
  • Website and Social Media links

Privacy Policy

Providing our Service requires collecting and using your information. Sports Club Finders are a privacy conscious organisation and are committed to complying with data protection law and to respecting the privacy rights of individuals.

It is our responsibility to ensure that the data we hold is:

  • Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner
  • Consent is clear, precise, informed and voluntary without pressure
  • Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
  • Adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary
  • Accurate and kept up to date, where necessary
  • Kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary
  • Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data

Any data held shall be processed fairly and lawfully and in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the regulation. Any individual will have the right, upon written request, to be told what personal data about that individual is being processed. Any individual will also have the right to be informed of the source of the data and to whom it may be disclosed.

More information Privacy Policy can be viewed here

Your Commitments

In return for our commitment to provide the Service, we require the below from you:

Who Can Use Sport Club Finders. We want our Service to be as open and inclusive as possible, but we also want it to be safe, secure, and in accordance with the law. So, we need you to commit to a few restrictions in order to be part of the Sports Club Finders community.

  • You must be at least 13 years old.
  • You must not be prohibited from receiving any aspect of our Service under applicable laws or engaging in payments related Services if you are on an applicable denied party listing.
  • We must not have previously disabled your account for violation of law or any of our policies.
  • You must not be a convicted sex offender.

How You Can't Use Sports Club Finders. Providing a safe and open Service requires that we all do our part.

  • You can't impersonate others or provide inaccurate information.
  • You don't have to disclose your identity, but you must provide us with accurate and up to date information. Also, you may not impersonate someone you aren't, and you can't create a club or take ownership for someone else unless you have their express permission.
  • You can't do anything unlawful, misleading, or fraudulent or for an illegal or unauthorised purpose.
  • You can't violate (or help or encourage others to violate) these Terms or our Privacy Policy.
  • You can't do anything to interfere with or impair the intended operation of the Service.
  • You can't attempt to create clubs or access or collect information in unauthorised ways.
  • This includes creating clubs or collecting information in an automated way without our express permission.
  • You can't post private or confidential information (including images/logos) or do anything that violates someone else's rights, including intellectual property.

Additional Rights We Retain

  • If you select a Club name or similar identifier for your account, we may change it if we believe it is appropriate or necessary (for example, if it infringes someone's intellectual property or impersonates another user).
  • You can only use our intellectual property and trademarks or similar marks as expressly permitted by our Brand Guidelines or with our prior written permission.
  • You must obtain written permission from us or under an open source license to modify, create derivative works of, decompile, or otherwise attempt to extract source code from us.

Content Removal and Disabling or Terminating Your Account

  • We can remove any content or information you share on the Service if we believe that it violates these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. We can refuse to provide or stop providing all or part of the Service to you (including terminating or disabling your account) immediately if you: clearly, seriously or repeatedly violate these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy.
  • Content you delete may persist for a limited period of time in backup copies and will still be visible where others have shared it.

Updating These Terms

We may change our Service and policies, and we may need to make changes to these Terms so that they accurately reflect our Service and policies. Unless otherwise required by law, we will notify you (for example, through our Service) at least 30 days before we make changes to these Terms and give you an opportunity to review them before they go into effect. Then, if you continue to use the Service, you will be bound by the updated Terms. If you do not want to agree to these or any updated Terms, you can delete your account.

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